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If you knew my grandmother (Ann), you know how much she loved food! And specifically, how much she loved feeding people! From family, to friends, to neighbors, and everybody at the church, Gramma was always making something for somebody. And before we finished dinner on any given night, we would of course have to talk about what we were going to eat tomorrow.

When she passed in 2016 she left us with enough memories to last 100 lifetimes (much of those memories involving food of some sort), and her recipes were stored away. Just recently, I got her recipes out of storage with my grandfather, and my-oh-my there are so many!! Looking at all of those recipes I couldn’t help but think about all of the people who have enjoyed her cooking, and it was right then that I knew what I had to do.

Although I can’t share my grandmother’s cooking with everybody, I can at least share her recipes! That is what inspired this food blog. Every recipe on this site comes from an index card handwritten by my grandmother or a magazine clipping she clipped.

My hope with this website is to allow my family and family-friends to be able to enjoy the recipes they once enjoyed from my grandmother, and to introduce these amazing recipes for many years to come to those who did not have the chance to enjoy Ann’s cooking.

Each recipe requires the enormous mountain of love she put into making every meal, and that you cannot buy at the grocery store. These recipes will never be made as well as she once made them, but at least they will live on for many more years to come.

-Jacob Violette (Ann’s Grandson)